Make your holidays shine

The decorations are up, the house is clean, and the table is set with fancy cloth napkins and a place for every person, but there’s something not quite right. Your nice silverware lacks the luster it once had and may look a little discolored and… Gasp! …dirty. You can blame it on the oxygen in the air. Over time, any sterling silver jewelry exposed to air will lose its luster. It happens faster where there are more air pollution and high humidity.
The holidays are a great time to give your silver the love they deserve, mainly your sterling silver serving pieces, flatware, and even your silver jewelry— if you’d like something sparkly to wear for your special occasion. Unfortunately, for those of us without butlers, cleaning silver is often relegated to the bottom of our holiday party to-do list. Luckily, it doesn’t take much time or elbow grease to make your silver look new. Just don’t wait until your guests are ringing the doorbell before you start.
Here are the things you need to give your silver a deep and lasting luster:
- Tarn-X® Silver Polish
- Mild soap
- Damp cloth or sponge
- Soft dry cloth
Directions: If silver is dusty, wash with mild soap and water. Rinse and dry completely.
- Shake the Tarn-X® Silver Polish then apply to surface with a clean damp cloth or sponge.
- Allow to dry at least one minute.
- Buff to a high luster with a soft, dry cloth.
- Rinse thoroughly. Dry with a soft cloth.
Tarn-X® Silver polish not only brings back the luster, but it also protects your silver with an invisible shield that slows the formation of tarnish. So you can be assured that it’s ready to go for your next special occasion. However, to keep your silver shining like new for a more extended period here are a few tips you can follow:
- If displaying in a cabinet, place a piece of chalk nearby—it absorbs chemicals that cause discoloration.
- For the silver that you only break out once or twice a year, wrap them with a clean cloth or flannel and try not to let the pieces touch to avoid unsightly scratches
- For your precious heirloom silver, you can use sealed plastic bags. But be careful, you will want to wrap them first in cloth as plastic can damage the surface
- If you have a silver drawer or chest, line it with an acid- and sulfur-free lining material.
- If possible, store your silver in a cool area with low humidity. Exposure to too much heat or humidity can lead to—you guessed it—tarnish.
- Try not to let items touch. Silver is soft, so you want to avoid unnecessary contact that leads to ugly scratches and scuffs.
IMPORTANT: Tarn-X® Silver Polish is a gentle all-purpose silver polish that leaves a bright, even finish. It can be use on silver platters, silver coffee and tea service sets, silver plated silverware, silver serving pieces and decorative silver pieces. Do NOT use on stainless steel, chrome, pewter, aluminum, brass, zinc, marble, artificially oxidized silver, knife blades, lacquered surfaces, pearls, opals or any porous stones.